Adorable Easter Bird Nests
tartletsWho doesn’t love Peeps and Jelly Beans? The kids will love these adorable gluten-free bird nests. Great family activity! Check out the recipe…
1 Geefree Puff Pastry Dough
Gluten Free flour for dusting
1 Box of Yellow Peeps (or any color/flavor you like)
Jelly Beans (any color, shape, flavor, etc.)
1 Bag Sweetened Shredded Coconut
Green Food Coloring
Pudding, Pastry Cream, Whipped Cream, (again, whatever you’d like to fill the nest with)
- Additional Tools
Cupcake pan
Biscuit/Large Cookie Cutters
Have cream filling ready and chilled.
Bring dough to room temperature. Preheat oven to 375°F.
Dust the countertop. Take dough and roll it out to approx. 1/8” thick.
Use a non-stick spray on the bottom of the cupcake pan. Using the biscuit cutter, cut circles then form them onto the bottom of the cupcake pans.
Make sure you dock the nests so they don’t puff. You can use the tines of a fork. Bake them for 25-30 or until golden brown. Cool completely.
While cooling take the coconut and add 1-2 drops of the green coloring. I use gloves for this so I can mix it well without turning my hands green.
Fill each nest with “filling”, then sprinkle with coconut and top them peeps, jellybeans, anything you like.