Chicken Fillo Pie
minutesDiane's recipes are often traditional ones imbued with her particular touch. Which makes her such a great chef. She can leave her mark in the smallest of ways. The finished pie, was light and unlike anything I have ever eaten. Yes I am a vegetarian. But I did taste the sauce and experience the aroma, and if there was a dish I would cave in on, it would be this one. So rejoice chicken lovers! This is a recipe you will be making more than once. If you skip to the bottom of the post you will find a video of Diane Kochalis showing the process she used to make this scrumptious Chicken Pie.
- 1/2 lb
Fillo factory dough (room temperature)
- 3 cups shredded cooked chicken
- 2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 leek- trimmed & chopped
- 2 cups
red onion chopped
- 2 cloves
fresh garlic minced
- 1/2 cup
lightly toasted pine nuts
- 1 cup fresh grated Parmesan or Greek graviera
- 1/2 cup
crumbled greek feta
- 1/2 cup
seedless black raisins
- 1 cup chopped fresh or 3 tbs dried
- 1/2 chopped
- 1 tsp
- 1/2 tsp
ground cloves
- 1/2 tsp
ground cumin
- 1/2 tsp
ground nutmeg
- 1-3 tbs (as needed)
salt & pepper as needed
- Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large, wide pot or deep skillet and cook the leek and onion until soft and lightly browned. Stir in the garlic.
- Transfer the onion-leek mixture to a mixing bowl. Stir in the chicken, cheeses, raisins, herbs, spices, and toasted2. Transfer the onion-leek mixture to a mixing bowl. Stir in the chicken, cheeses, raisins, herbs, spices, and toastedpine nuts. Season to taste with salt and pepper. If the mixture is loose, add a handful of quinoa.
- Lightly oil a 12-inch round baking dish or tart pan. Preheat the oven to 350F/ I SOC. Layer the first fillo sheet on bottom of pan and brush with olive oil. Place the second one on top at a slight angle, so that it overlaps the first but widens the overhang, like a fan, in other words. Continue with four more sheets, oiling each. Spread the chicken mixture evenly over the surface, pressing down with a spatula. Cover with 5 sheets of fillo, layering and oiling each as for on the bottom.
- Using a kitchen shears or sharp paring knife, cut away all but about 1-1 /2 inches of the excess overhang. Pick up the bottom and top sheets, press together and fold inwards to form a decorative rim. Brush the surface generously with olive oil. Place a small round plate in the center of the pan and score around it. Score even-sized slices in a radius from the inner circle to the edge.
Sprinkle with cold water and bake for 45 minutes or until the fillo is crisp and golden. Remove, cool, and serve.